About us

The claim: body - mind - spirit
The Hebrew word Merkaba or Merkabah literally means “ chariot ”; it represents the chariot that helps us meet and recognize the various cosmic energies that govern our world.
In its most ancient meaning, Merkaba is an Egyptian word composed of three parts:
- Wed (light)
- Ka (spirit)
- Ba (body)
It represents the union of body, mind and spirit, as a large tetrahedron composed of two opposing triangles that rotate in opposite directions. The upper triangle rotates clockwise and represents masculinity (which stands for logic and rationality), the lower triangle rotates counterclockwise and represents femininity (or emotion and intuition).
The Merkaba tetrahedron represents stability, balance, and integration. In the human body, the Merkaba comprises the eight cells that are formed after the fertilization of the female egg. These cells can be found in the root chakra, at the center of our body, and can be seen as the intersection of our physical and spiritual energies.

The Lavender Labyrinth
All the lavender used in Merkaba products is harvested at Va Oltre, an estate located in Bovolenta in the province of Padua, where Valentina, its founder, has created the largest lavender labyrinth in Italy.
It was created inspired by the one designed by the Knights Templar at Notre Dame de Chartres and which was followed as an initiation path to enter the Order. “The meaning of this ancient symbol is multiple, but the desire to reproduce it at Va Oltre was born thanks to the strong metaphor that it embodies: the path of Life undertaken to achieve one's dreams and the manifestation of the talents inherent in each of us” - Valentina.
For more information and to visit the labyrinth: https://www.vaoltrelatenuta.it/
Lavender has anxiolytic and antidepressant properties, as well as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. At Merkaba we collect its essential oil, as an adjuvant for the well-being of body, mind and spirit.

The Golden Number
The water contained in Merkaba products is not ordinary water. We use special electromagnetic waves to change its vibrations and tune them to those of the golden number .
The geometric and mathematical properties of the golden number have confirmed the presence of a relationship between macrocosm and microcosm, between God and man, between the universe and nature: a relationship between the whole and the part, between the largest part and the smallest part that repeats itself infinitely through infinite subdivisions.
Water has a memory , as theorized by the French immunologist Jaques Benveniste, the Italian physicist Emilio Del Giudice, and the French physician and virologist Luc Montagnier; substances and minerals that come into contact with water in nature have a vibrational effect on it that remains imprinted on the water itself. At Merkaba, we imprint the vibrations of the golden number on water, to give our products benefits that resonate in the body, as well as in the mind and spirit.
The golden ratio has multiple beneficial effects on our body, mind and spirit: incorporating the Golden Ratio into your environment would promote harmony and serenity . It would create a calming atmosphere, conducive to relaxation and well-being.
Bathing in those vibrations would envelop you in positive vibes throughout the day. This symbol would act as a catalyst for beneficial energies, soothing internal tensions and conflicts . In alignment with the laws of the universe, it would help you find your balance and face daily challenges with serenity .
It would stabilize your emotions and clarify your mind , allowing you to respond to events with more perspective and wisdom. Its subtle energy field would act as a shield against stress and negative influences, helping you stay centered and positive in any situation. You would feel more confident , more serene , ready to welcome the opportunities and joys that life brings your way.

The Project
The Merkaba project is divided into three steps: the first is purification . Through the use of specific products, mind and body are purified from impurities, stress and negative energies produced by everyday life. Lavender essential oil alleviates the symptoms of stressed skin and spirit, with its muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.
The second step is that of nourishment : ozonated olive oil, organic calendula extract and organic hawthorn extract provide nourishment for the body and spirit, hydrating and protecting the skin from impurities. The water which has been imprinted with the golden number acts as an adjuvant to the properties of the essential oils, bringing the mind and spirit back to their original state of well-being.
The third step is that of protection : after having purified the body, mind and spirit from stressful agents, we must protect them from future contamination; products such as lavender water have been designed to provide protection to the skin, thanks to hyaluronic acid, and psychophysical well-being thanks to the physical and spiritual properties of lavender.
All the products are symbolized by a tarot card that represents its qualities.